Still Dreaming Big Lompoc!

Dreams.  Cotton candy fluff or a concrete reality?  For Lompoc skate park, aka College Park, it is a dream that became literally a concrete reality over 20 years ago.  A dream first dreamt in the late 1970’s (and perhaps before then) but discarded as impossible, became more probable with the advent of SB994.  

Today, while virtually unchanged from when it first opened to the casual observer, the park is beginning to reveal its age.  Many of the edges are showing the wear and tear of daily use and the concrete in some places is crumbling.  The skateboarding community has talked of having lights added to the park for many years and when the park was built there was discussion and hope that it would be enlarged in the future, offering more recreational opportunities.

We now have the opportunity to make those long ago and not so long ago wishes come true.  But we need your help.  The City of Lompoc is currently seeking a grant to rebuild the skate park, to expand its usage, possibly add lighting and other amenities.  Now is the opportunity to dream as your input is sought.  How would you like to see the skatepark?  What changes or additions would you like to see at College Park?  Two possible renditions have been put together based on input from the community to date but the City is still looking for additional input before submitting the final grant proposal.  Currently, the concrete part of the park is approx. 9500 square feet and both of these renditions increase the footprint of the skateable part to 14,000 square feet as well as adding additional features. 

There are two Zoom meetings to discuss these plans, the first one this week Wednesday, 12/2, at 6PM.   The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 14, at 6PM.  A link for more information including a link for the next Zoom meeting and survey is below.

Thank you to everyone that has been a part of this process so far but we are still dreaming!

College Park Concept Plan A - DRAFT (11.5.20)-1.jpg
Lompoc - College Park - Concept B (2).jpg