From dream to business plan and then execution, the journey for us and Surf Connection began 25 years ago. During this time we have traveled many different roads, made new friends and discovered so many remarkable things about our community. The blessings have been bountiful, the challenges abundant, but we are very grateful for all that we have experienced and learned.
Most notably it is the day to day experiences and interactions with our customers that have touched our lives in many surprising ways. We have watched new generations of youths discover the joys of surfing and skateboarding. We have celebrated birthdays, graduations, engagements, weddings and births. We have had the opportunity to keep in touch with customers over the years as they come back to Lompoc for a visit, hear from them via Facebook or Instagram and have even reconnected for a few moments with shared memories at the skate comp. It has truly been a journey and a very joyous one, filled with blessings and treasured memories.
We are inviting you to celebrate our 25 year journey with us on Saturday, September 10th, 9AM until 3PM at the store and create more memories on this journey. We will have vintage surfboards on display from local collectors, our prize wheel will be out, there will be sales throughout the day as well as some special visitors. Don’t miss the fun and remember to enjoy the journey!